Dialog fibre packages for home broadband are officially out

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Following years of speculation, Dialog Axiata has officially unveiled its home broadband fibre packages. While Dialog fibre packages have been on offer in recent years, they were merely limited to corporate packages. However, now it appears that the telco has stepped up to offer SLT some competition.

Prospective customers can get a Dialog fibre connection either based on quota or speed.

Quota-based monthly Dialog fibre packages

  • 100GB anytime data
    200Mbps (max)
    LKR 2,700
  • 200GB anytime data
    200Mbps (max)
    LKR 4,060
  • 300GB anytime data
    200Mbps (max)
    LKR 5,420

Speed-based monthly Dialog fibre packages

  • 50Mbps (max)
    Speed drops to 5Mbps after 500GB
    LKR 8,139
  • 100Mbps (max)
    Speed drops to 5Mbps after 1,000GB
    LKR 14,929
  • 200Mbps (max)
    Speed drops to 5Mbps after 2,000GB
    LKR 27,159

But how does it compare to SLT fibre packages? For comparison, here’s what SLT has on offer:

Comparable quota-based SLT fibre packages

  • Trio Shine
    100GB anytime data
    300Mbps download and 150Mbps upload (max)
    LKR 4,950
  • Web Family Plus
    40GB standard data and 60GB free data
    LKR 1,790
  • Web Booster
    85GB standard data and 120GB free data
    LKR 4,050
  • Any Storm
    250GB anytime data
    LKR 7,490

Out of the three Dialog fibre packages, Dialog’s 100GB anytime offering comes at an LKR 2,250 lower pricepoint. However, it comes at the sacrifice of a lower bandwidth as every standard SLT home broadband connection is equipped with 300Mbps download and 150Mbps upload speeds. Dialog’s 300GB anytime package has a similar appeal, though it ships with 50GB more at less than LKR 2,000 SLT’s price, in addition to the reduced speed (200Mbps).

Comparable time-based SLT fibre packages (price)

  • Fibre Unlimited 10
    20Mbps download and 10Mbps upload (max)
    LKR 7,750
  • Fibre Unlimited 25
    40Mbps download and 20Mbps upload (max)
    LKR 13,590
  • Fibre Unlimited 50
    60Mbps download and 30Mbps upload (max)
    LKR 26,590
  • Fibre Unlimited Flash 25
    Speed drops to 1Mbps after 25GB (daily)
    LKR 10,390

Most of Dialog’s fibre packages come at a lower price, albeit with speed sacrifices compared to SLT. Additionally, SLT houses a wider range of fibre-based internet packages in speed, price, and data capacity. It’s also worth noting that SLT fibre users have access to true unlimited internet surfing daily during off-peak hours (midnight to 7.00am).

However, this could change over time with Dialog possibly introducing more fibre packages to compete with SLT in the months years ahead. In any case, the added competition from Dialog in the fibre home broadband space should be an encouraging sign for the general consumer.

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    • These are just introductory packages and Dialog will probably expand their fibre capacity in the months to come. But I agree, SLT arguably offers better service, at least when it comes to fibre.