The biggest inter-university talent show organized by the Student Activity Club of APIIT unwrapped its 6th consecutive year in a grander scale than ever before. This year too Readme proudly takes the backseat as a Strategic Partner to witness the talents of a new era of performers. There were over 150 applicants from leading state universities and private tertiary educational institutes under the categories of Solo Singing, Group Singing, Solo Dancing, Group Dancing, Solo Instrumental and Band.
The auditions round of course showcased talent which saw no boundaries, giving a tough time for the judges. Eventually 21 well deserving contestants were chosen to perform at the Tantalize 2013 Grand Finale.
The finalists who range from musicians who can ignite a stage, to the soulful singers and the energetic dancers with jaw dropping moves, all have one thing in common: their passion in performing arts. In order to publicize and create awareness about these talented finalists and give them the recognition they truly deserve, Tantalize 2013 also introduced the Social Media Award.
[pullquote_right]“In terms of participants, performances, as well as entertainment, this is sure to be the biggest Tantalize show to be organised by the SAC” – Aloka De Silva[/pullquote_right]
Just as it started off with a bang, the electrifying performances lined up for the Grand Finale will undoubtedly be an extravagant showdown. “In terms of participants, performances as well as entertainment this is sure to be the biggest Tantalize show to be organised by the SAC” points out Aloka De Silva, the Chairperson of the Tantalize 2013 Organizing Committee comprising of nearly 60 strong members from APIIT student community.
Well, come judge for yourself – the most popular and recognized inter university talent show on the 10th of November 2013 at the Musaeus College Auditorium from 6pm onwards. Tickets will be priced at Rs. 1000 and will be available at APIIT City Campus/Access Towers, Yamaha Music Center, Fusion 14, Laughs Supermarket in Havelock Town, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Kohuwala, Rajagiriya and at the Signtec Head Office from the 21st of October. And just like last time, well be there to bring you digestible updates of what takes place on stage.
Find out more here.
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